When the state of an Enhancement request change from WIP to Testing/QA the actual start date field gets emptyDescriptionOn an enhancement request, changing the state to WIP gets the actual start date field populated, but when the state is changed to Testing/QA the actual start date gets blank.Steps to Reproduce 1. Login as admin.2. Open an Enhancement request.3. Set it to WIP and check that "Actual Start Date" field is populated.4. Change state from "Work in progress" to "Testing/QA".5. Save and notice the Actual Start Date field is empty.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to. The workaround would be to define state buckets on attributes field in the dictionary override of state for rm_enhancement:/sys_dictionary_override.do?sys_id=c47916fa373321001a8326877e41f1a6&sysparm_record_target=sys_dictionary_override&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=1&sysparm_record_list=base_table%3Dtask%5Eelement%3Dstate%5EnameSTARTSWITHrm_enhanc%5EORDERBYname Testing/QA is a field which belongs to work in progress bucket, so the attributes should be changed to something like:close_states=3;7;10,default_close_state=3,default_work_state=2,work_in_progress_states=2;8Now in work_in_progress_states we have 2 for Work In Progress, and 8 corresponding to the choice testing/QA. When you move from Work In progress to testing Q/A, since both are in the bucket 'work_in_progress_states', the actual start date will not be cleared. For an in depth understanding, look at the Business Rule 'Set Actual Work Start Value' on the [rm_feature] table.Related Problem: PRB1509119