"Ask For Approval" Action is setting all Records with matching 'source_table' to "No Longer Required" when the Source Record is Deleted before the Due Date is metDescriptionWhen using the "Ask For Approval" Action in Flow Designer with a Due Date.If the Source Record on the Approval is Deleted before the Due Date is met, then we see that all Approvals on the 'source_table' are being moved to "No Longer Required"Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a Flow with Run As "System"2. Set Trigger as Record Updated, Table = "resource_plan"3. Add an "Ask For Approval" Action, select any User as the Approver (E.g. Abel Tuter)4. Set the "Due Date" for the Approval to be "Cancel if pending by Relative date 2 Minutes From Trigger->Resource Plan Record-> Updated"5. Navigate to resource_plan.LIST6. Open 2 Random Resource Plans and make any random update on them7. See that the Flow is Attached8. Delete ONE of the Resource Plans9. Navigate to [sysapproval_approver] Table and Filter for "source_table = resource_plan"10. See the Approvals are in "Requested" State11. Wait for the "Due Date" to be met12. Refresh the Approvals List13. See that all Approvals for this Table are now in "No Longer Required"WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available.Related Problem: PRB1507991