Custom Solution: Configure Clone notifications from Source Instance clone LogCurrently, while a clone is running, you will get specific notifications via NowSupport. Initially, this was only to notify you that the clone started or finished. Later enhancements were made to send more updates providing information about the progress of the clone. We received feedback that these were too many notifications and not entirely helpful and that you preferred to get only basic notifications. We did, however, hear that you liked the progress updates. As we had different requests for different levels of logging we decided to make this work for all customers. We have now designed the clone to push all the updates directly to your instance and into the clone_log table. We will still send the basic notifications (start, finish) through NowSupport, but with all the logs on your instance, you can now configure email notifications to send you exactly what you want. This article will provide a few example notifications that you can create in your instance and configure which level of notifications you want. Here is an example of the logs posted on the source instance these are posted in the clone_log table. Please note: The clone field has a sys_id in it but it doesn't show a display value, if you want to fix that you can adjust the dictionary entry: Table: clone_logName: clone The reference table is clone, change to system clone to fix the reference field. Notifications To create a new email notification: Navigate to: System Notification > Email > NotificationsSelect New In the Conditions that trigger a notification, we can filter on two Sources: InstanceCloneScheduler - Request is scheduledCloneEngine - This will provide updates at each step, it will also contain the exclude/preserver list for this clone. Notification 1: Clone has been scheduled Name: Clone scheduledTable: Clone Instance [clone_instance]Category: Clone (Create if doesn't exist) When to send: Send when: Record inserted or updatedInserted: True (checked)Conditions: [state] [changes to] Requested Who will receive: Here you can define the recipients of the notification. You can add individual users, as well as groups. What it will contain: (HTML source code) Subject: Clone over ${target_instance} is scheduled for ${scheduled} Message HTML: (This is an example that you can copy into the HTML field by using the Source code button (<>) <p><strong>Clone Profile:</strong> ${profile}</p><p><strong>Clone Target instance:</strong> ${target_instance}</p><p><strong>Clone Requested by:</strong> ${sys_created_by}</p><p><strong>Options Selected:</strong></p><p><strong>Clone Exclude audit and log data:</strong> ${exclude_large_data}<br /><strong>Clone Exclude large attachment data:</strong> ${filter_attachment_data}<br /><strong>Clone Exclude tables specified in Exclusion List:</strong> ${exclude_all_from_exclusion_list}<br /><strong>Clone Preserve In Progress Update Sets:</strong> ${preserve_in_progress_update_sets}<br /><strong>Clone Preserve theme:</strong> ${preserve_theme}<br /><strong>Clone Preserve users and related tables:</strong> ${preserve_users_and_related_tables}<br /><strong>Clone Amount of data copied from large tables:</strong> ${amount_of_data_copied_from_large_tables}</p> Example of the output: Notification 2: Clone Started Name: Clone startedTable: Clone Log [clone_log]Category: Clone (Create if doesn't exist) When to send: Send when: Record inserted or updatedInserted: TrueConditions: [Message] [is] Starting Clone Preparation Who will receive: This is up to you who you want to receive this notification. What it will contain: (HTML source code) Subject: ${clone} Clone over ${clone.target_instance} has started. Message HTML: (This is an example that you can copy into the HTML field by using the Source code button (<>) <p><strong>Clone Target instance:</strong> ${clone.target_instance}<br /> <br /> <strong>Options Selected:</strong></p> <p><strong>Clone Exclude audit and log data:</strong> ${clone.exclude_large_data}<br /> <strong>Clone Exclude large attachment data:</strong> ${clone.filter_attachment_data}<br /> <strong>Clone Exclude tables specified in Exclusion List:</strong> ${clone.exclude_all_from_exclusion_list}<br /> <strong>Clone Preserve In Progress Update Sets:</strong> ${clone.preserve_in_progress_update_sets}<br /> <strong>Clone Preserve theme:</strong> ${clone.preserve_theme}<br /> <strong>Clone Preserve users and related tables:</strong> ${clone.preserve_users_and_related_tables}<br /> <strong>Clone Amount of data copied from large tables:</strong> ${clone.amount_of_data_copied_from_large_tables}<br /> </p> Example of the output: Notification 3: Clone Progress Name: Clone progressTable: Clone Log [clone_log]Category: Clone (Create if doesn't exist) When to send: Send when: Record inserted or updatedInserted: TrueConditions: [Message] [is NOT] Starting Clone Preparation[Source] [is] CloneEngine[Message] [does not contain] Clone completed successfully.[Message] [does not contain] Table List Who will receive:This is up to you who you want to receive this notification. What it will contain: (HTML source code) Subject: Clone Progress Update: ${clone} - ${message} Message HTML: (This is an example that you can copy into the HTML field by using the Source code button (<>) <p><strong>Clone Request: </strong>${clone}<br /> <strong>Clone Target instance:</strong> ${clone.target_instance}<br /> <strong>Message:</strong> ${message}</p> Example of the output: Notification 4: Clone Completed Name: Clone CompletedTable: Clone Log [clone_log]Category: Clone (Create if doesn't exist) When to send: Send when: Record inserted or updatedInserted: TrueConditions: [Message] [is NOT] Starting Clone Preparation[Source] [is] [CloneEngine][Message] [does not contain] Clone completed successfully. Who will receive:This is up to you who you want to receive this notification. What it will contain: (HTML source code) Subject: ${clone} - ${message} Message HTML: (This is an example that you can copy into the HTML field by using the Source code button (<>) <p><strong>Clone Request: </strong>${clone}<br /> <strong>Clone Target instance:</strong> ${clone.target_instance}<br /> <strong>Message:</strong> ${message}</p> Example of the output: