Unable to update Planned End Date on an Enhancement recordIssue Unable top update the planned end date on an enhancement [rm_enhancement] record. The field is read-only, highlighted in red, and has a task rollup icon next to it with the hover text "Record has children so this field is calculated from child values"CauseIf the field 'rollup' on a Planned Task, Feature, or Enhancement record is set to "true", the Planned End Date will be set to read-only (in the display via UI Macro, and in the database via ACL). Rollup is only set to "true" if the record is a parent to another record. In this case, the Enhancement record was a parent to another Enhancement record.ResolutionSearch the Planned Task table (planned_task.list) where 'Parent' = <rm_enhancement.number>. You should find one or more child records. Editing the Planned dates can only be done on the child record(s). Note: The rm_enhancement table extends the feature table, which extends the planned_task table.