Unable to dot-walk parameters using GEM reference pickerDescriptionAttempting to dot-walk parameters in the GEM picker for a field will cause the field to disappear and become unusable.Steps to Reproduce 1) Navigate to Automated Test Framework (ATF) -> Tests2) Create a new Test3) Toggle "Enable parameterized testing"4) In the test step tab at the bottom, navigate to "parameter definitions"5) Create a new exclusive parameter (Type: Reference, Reference: incident, name can be anything)6) Create a new shared parameter (Type: Reference, Reference: incident, name can be anything)7) Add a "Open a new form" test step8) For the "table" field, type in "incident"9) Submit the test step10) Add a "set field values" test step11) For "field values," select "additional comments"12) Use GEM reference picker to add a new GEM pill for the field created in step 11- Click the arrow next to "Parameters"- Click the arrow next to the exclusive parameter that was created in step 5- Notice that the field has disappeared and can no longer be used- Create a new field similar to the one from step 11- Repeat step 12 for the shared parameter that was created in step 6Attempting to dot-walk will cause the field reference picker to break and no longer be usable.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1505402