SSO Source Field Cannot have a Space In It (Multi-Provider SSO Plugin V2)Issue In version 2 of the Multi-Provider SSO Plugin you cannot have a space inside the value of the SSO Source[sso_source] field on a User[sys_user] record. If you do, the redirection to the correct IdP will still work (user will be redirected to their correct IdP after entering their username) but after login to the IdP and redirect back to the instance the user will be immediately logged out again, with node logs showing: SEVERE *** ERROR *** *** Script: Ensure that the user you are trying to login is from the correct source, as mentioned in user's sso source field in servicenow instance. Note that this issue does not happen if you have enabled Auto-redirect IdP.ReleaseMulti-Provider SSO Plugin V2 (available in New York and newer)ResolutionChange the value of the SSO Source[sso_source] field on the relevant User[sys_user] record(s) to have no space, for example: sso: 2d474b2adbfe20106d045e92f396196d Would be changed to: sso:2d474b2adbfe20106d045e92f396196d