HR Profiles are being automatically generated when users navigate to the ESC portal for the first time.DescriptionHR Profiles are being automatically generated when users navigate to ESC portal for the first time.Release or EnvironmentAll releases.CauseThis is the expected behaviour for instances created before Rome: each time a user without an HR Profile opens the ESC portal for the first time, an HR Profile gets created for them.The logic for this is in the Header | Footer "ESC Header": if(new GlidePluginManager().isActive("com.sn_hr_core")) {data.isHrCoreActive = true;// HR Profilevar hrProfileGr = new GlideRecord('sn_hr_core_profile');hrProfileGr.addQuery('user', gs.getUserID());hrProfileGr.setLimit(1);hrProfileGr.query();if (! {hrProfileGr.setValue('user', gs.getUserID());hrProfileGr.insert();}}ResolutionStarting with the Rome release, a new System Property has been introduced to allow you to decide whether to maintain this behaviour or avoid creating the HR Profile on the first visit to the ESC portal. Note that this property does not get created on existing instances upgrading to Rome+. To change this behaviour in pre-Rome releases: 1. Import XML the attached system property "sn_hr_core.esc.create_hrprofile.override" and confirm it is set to false (below URL should bring you to the property once you have imported it) Make sure that the Header | Footer "ESC Header" is OOB and on the latest version: Review your RCAs and make sure to move to 'Allowed' state any record that might have been invalidated (if any):!%3D2%5EORstatus%3DNULL&sysparm_view=