Deleted attachment is visible along with correct attachment in the ticket history section in Service CatalogIssue After submitting the ticket, the attachment in the Service Catalog displays both the deleted and active attachments in the ticket history area (In Ticket conversation widget) The deleted attachment is removed after refreshing the page Steps to Reproduce: Log in to the Dev instance and go to the service portalSearch for the catalog item/any itemFill in the mandatory details and upload an attachment fileDelete the attachment and again attach another fileSubmit the request. The deleted attachment is visible on the 'ticket history'ReleaseParisCauseThis is because of Out-of-the-box functionalityResolutionTesting the feature straight out of the box showed the same behavior. The deleted attachments are displayed, but when reloading, the uploaded attachment is visible, and the removed attachments are no longer there. An entry is made in the Attachment [sys_attachment] database whenever an attachment is uploaded to this variable.In previous releases, the target table's name is "sc_req_item," whereas in Paris, it has the prefix "ZZ YY" To avoid any confusion, it is created so that the user can view the entire history of attachments at once. When the page is reloaded, just the attached file is still visible. Hence it is expected behavior.