Assigned to not clearing when Assignment group changes on Catalog TaskIssue The assigned to field is dependent on the assignment group. On the incident table the assigned to clears when the assignment group changes but this does not happen on other tables like sc_task.CauseOut-of-the-box behavior on sc_task tableResolutionThere is an Out-of-the-box onChange client script "Empty assigned to on group change" on the incident table that clears out the Assigned To value when the Assignment group is changed. Workaround: Implement the same functionality for the sc_task table by using the same type of client script. Use an onChange client script on the Assignment Group field something like this: function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) { if (isLoading) return; g_form.setValue('assigned_to', '');} See the Community link for more information