Certificate Management Bulk Upload issuesSummaryWhen uploading a number of certificates via the bulk upload feature, the Root issuer (field name "root_issuer") and issuer (field name "issuer") certificate chain is not reflected on the record (rather it displays as empty in these columns). The reason for this behavior is described in the product documentation ( Visibility to TLS certificates ): For maintaining the certificate’s chain relationship, every certificate should have the fingerprint of its root certificate in root_issuer column, and fingerprint of its issuer in the issuer column. For self-signed certificates, the root_issuer and issuer and should have the value of the certificates fingerprint. If there are missing certificates, the chain cannot be established and the columns will display empty. The order of the certificates in the file does not matter when the product establishes the chain relationship. This article contains a set of sample certificates that can be imported by navigating to the Certificate Management > Bulk Upload Certificates menu. InstructionsThe fingerprint is similar to the unique id to the certificate. The attached sample certificate records (SampleData.xlsx) with "fingerprint", "issuer", "root_issuer" columns provide an idea of how the Excel file should look. This is how the chain is established:a) Line 4 in the Excel file is the root CA record with fingerprint column: 80 fc 1c f7 44 f4 49 76 b3 19 84 c9 0f 2c f7 eb 40 e6 6f 2c ee 42 84 93 88 c6 42 b7 00 f8 0f f1 b) Line 2 is the intermediate certificate with the root_issuer column having the following value (which references the fingerprint of the root CA record above): 80 fc 1c f7 44 f4 49 76 b3 19 84 c9 0f 2c f7 eb 40 e6 6f 2c ee 42 84 93 88 c6 42 b7 00 f8 0f f1 After importing the certificates, point b) record has a "root_issuer" field that links to a).