How to hide the "Change Success Score icon"Issue The plugin mentioned below automatically got installed in an instance as part of the Quebec upgrade.Plugin: Change Management - Change Success Score User would like to know, how to hide the "Change Success Score icon"?ReleaseQuebecCauseThe "Change Success Score icon" is rendered from the UI macro "change_success_score" which is added as an attribute to the change_request override dictionary record.ResolutionTo hide the "Change Success Score icon", you may follow the below approach: Open a change recordRight-click on the assignment group field and select configure dictionaryThe dictionary form for the assignment group field is open. Now go to Dictionary Overrides related list.Open the record for the change_request tableIn the attributes field remove the attribute "field_decorations=change_success_score". Make sure there are no extra characters like comma(,) left after removing the attribute.Save the form.Now open a change request record and see that the "Change Success Score icon" is no longer visible.