Currency shows incorrect format in Project Workbench Financials when using Project Multicurrency user country GB and system locale DEDescriptionI18N GB users have "." as decimal separator and "," as separator of thousands, while other EU users have it as vice versa.Projects are shown to GB users in correct format for them (1,000.00) on the form, but in project workbench financials of the same project the separator is the opposite (1.000,00).Steps to Reproduce 1 - Install the following plugins:- I18N: Internationalization ( com.glide.i18n )- I18N: German Translations ( com.snc.i18n.german )- PPM Standard ( com.snc.financial_planning_pmo )- PPM Standard Multicurrency ( com.snc.ppm_multicurrency )2 - Set the following Customization Properties for System Localization/ : de.DECurrency : GBP--------3 - Find a User with the following Roles:- it_project_manager- project_managere.g Abel Tuter (Architect)/ 4 - Open the user record and set the following- Location : "SHS quadra 5, Bloco E., Brasilia"- Country : "United Kingdom"5 - Impersonate Abel Tuter (Architect)Create a ProjectChange view to Project Currency and set Project Currency to GBPNavigate to Related List : Cost PlansCreate 1 Cost Plan where Cost Type is *Opex, set Unit Cost and Quantity field valuesCreate another Cost Plan where Cost Type is *Capex, set Unit Cost and Quantity field valuesOn the Project form, verify that there are cost values under the Financials tabNote that thousand separator and decimal separate display correctly.6 - On the Project form, navigate to Related Link : Project WorkbenchClick on the linkOpen the Financials tabGo to the bottom grid on the page and review the Cost Plans Note that thousand separator and decimal separate display incorrectly.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. There is no workaround available. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to.Related Problem: PRB1455188