**Quebec*** Displayed Data Labels do not always the match the bar count on Pareto type reports DescriptionDisplayed Data Labels do not always match the bar count on Pareto type reports in Quebec when grouping by date/time, percentage complete, duration field type.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a report as follows:Table = IncidentType = ParetoGroup by = Business Duration (a field which has type: date/time, percentage complete, duration/sys_dictionary_list.do?sysparm_query=name%3Dincident%5EORname%3Dtask%5Einternal_type%3Dglide_date_time%5EORinternal_type%3Dpercent_complete%5EORinternal_type%3Dglide_duration&sysparm_view=2. Run the report.3. Move the mouse over the columns and that the correct number of records is displayed in the popup and matches the Y-axis.4. Select check box "Display data labels" on the tab "Style".5. Run the report again.6. Observe that the numbers above the columns do not match the record count of some of the columns.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available.Related Problem: PRB1505532