How to display seconds value for TIME unit indicator in the Performance Analytics scorecard / Analytics Hub ?Issue How to display seconds value for TIME unit indicator in the Performance Analytics scorecard / Analytics Hub ? For e.g. If the score is "1 Hours 21 Minutes 40 Seconds", the score is displaying only "1 Hours 21 Minutes" but it is not displaying 40 Seconds part. Screenshot below: ReleaseALLCauseThe Property 'glide.ui.duration.seconds.enabled' was not set.ResolutionNeed to set the system property 'glide.ui.duration.seconds.enabled' to True. This will enable the Analytics Hub/Scorecards with TIME unit indicator to show the seconds part. If the property does not already exists, go to system properties and create a new one with the below values: Name: glide.ui.duration.seconds.enabledType: true/falseValue: true After adding this property and setting it to true, the score displays the seconds as well. For e.g. "1 Hours 21 Minutes 40 Seconds". Screenshot below: