Approvals can be Rejected without adding 'Comments'Issue When rejecting some Approval Records you are finding that it does not ask for the "Comments" Field to be populated. However, for the majority of Approvals you see that "Comments" is mandatory.ReleaseAnyCauseThis could be happening because the Approver has added a Comment to the Approval Record some time in the past. The "Reject" UI Action will allow rejection if either of the following conditions is true: The Approver populates the 'Comments' Field when they click RejectThe Approval Record contains a Previous Comment from the Approver when they click Reject Since there is a Previous Comment then it is not asking for the 'Comments' Field to be populated at the time of the update. In some scenarios this is being caused by a Custom Business Rule which copies comments from the Request Item onto the Approval Record.ResolutionPlease disable any Custom Business Rules which are adding Comments to the Approval Record. If the Comments have been added manually then this is the expected behaviour of the Platform and can only be modified by customising the "Reject" UI Action.