Copy/Pasting images in Agent Chat & accessing images on the Agent Chat windowSummaryScreenshots are not copy-pasted directly in Agent Chat. Screenshots can be copy-pasted directly in NativeUI chat. (Connect Chat on native UI & Agent Chat work on different technologies)Also, image files attached in Agent chat needs to be downloaded first in agent workspace to view it in full size. End users initiating the chat are able to view the attached image file in the browser itself.Related LinksThis is an expected platform functionality.Copy/Paste functionality is not present for attaching images or screenshots from the clipboard either from agent's or end user's side in Agent ChatYou need to use the attachment feature in the agent's or end user's side to upload an image.Also, the reason why the image is first downloaded is because the agent accesses the images directly from sys_attachment table. From the agent's chat if you hover over an image it will show the URL pointing to sys_attachment table.When accessing any file directly from sys_attachment table, it will first be downloaded to the local system.Even when you view any record in the platform view/ native UI which has any type of document attached - doc, pdf, jpg the link will be pointing to sys_attachment.Upon clicking it, it will be downloaded to the local system.