Unable to dot walk the parent field of location from the user record Issue When trying to auto-populate a variable with locations "parent" filed from user profile via client script is causing an error. ResolutionThe issue is observed because of the system limitation of dot walking to parent field of location from user record. The issue can be fixed by performing a glide record on cmn_location table. Below is the code used [code] function onLoad() { var user = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); user.addQuery('sys_id',g_user.userID); user.query(); if ( user.next() ) { var loc = user.location; var par = new GlideRecord('cmn_location'); par.addQuery('sys_id',loc); par.query(); if(par.next()){ g_form.setValue('location', par.parent); } } } [/code] NOTE: This is customization and service now is not responsible if the code breaks, we suggest you thoroughly test the code and make the necessary changes based on your requirements.