Difference in 'cancel flow on request cancelled' BR when we cancel a sc_request (Catalog Request) when the trigger configuration is 'Run Flow in Foreground'DescriptionThe difference in flow behavior when we cancel a sc_request (Catalog Request). when the trigger configuration is 'Run Flow in Foreground' The flow doesn't get canceled instead it completes execution. when the trigger configuration is 'Run Flow in Background' The flow gets canceled.Steps to Reproduce 1) Create a flow and set the trigger as a service catalog. 2) Click on the 'advanced options' and set the 'when to run the flow' as 'Run Flow in Foreground'. 3) Add Create Catalog Task Action. 4) Drag Trigger requested item pill onto the requested item input in the Create Catalog Task Action and also enable wait input. 5) Add a Log Action after Create Catalog Task Action 6) Save and Activate the flow. 7) Associate the flow with any catalog item (Eg: iPhone 6s)8) click 'try it on the catalog item used in step 5. 9) Open the request(sc_request) and click on 'cancel request'.Issue: The flow doesn't go into the cancel state and the consecutive (log) actions are executed.Expected behavior: the flow must go into a canceled state.To see the expected behavior set the value of 'when to run the flow' to 'Run Flow in Background' in step 2 and follow the steps after step 5.WorkaroundPlease add a 'Wait For Duration' flow logic (5 sec) just after the waiting action (eg: Create Catalog Task or Ask For Approval). OR Please change the Trigger Configurations to 'Run Flow in Background'.Related Problem: PRB1504143