'Export to PDF' option does not appear when tyring to export a responsive dashboard to PDFIssue Following the steps in Export a responsive dashboard to PDF: Export a responsive dashboard to PDF User has the pa_viewer role and the WebKit HTML To PDF plugin is activated in the instance. Navigate to Self-Service > Dashboards or Performance Analytics > Dashboards.From the dashboard picker in the upper left, select the dashboard that you want to export.Click the context menu () and notice the "Export to PDF" is not available. ReleaseAll releases from New YorkCauseThe WebKit HTML To PDF plugin was activated with a missing Plugin file(WebKit HTML to PDF-Application Registries). Go to All Available Applications->AllFind "WebKit HTML To PDF" plugin -> Plugin FilesThere should be 6 plugin files: WHTPProcessorPDF file will be emailed to {0}WebKit HTML to PDFcom.snc.whtp.hostWHTPExportProcessorThe email address specified is not valid ResolutionRun "Activate/Repair" for the WebKit HTML To PDF pluginIf the issue persists, go to System OAuth-> Application RegistryImport the attached XML file to the list.