"Error: Invalid series data" is shown in the graphs when switching to Japanese or Chinese (I18N) languagesDescription"Slow pattern" in performance dashboard is broken when using Japanese and Chinese languages. Only graphs in the "Slow pattern" is not working, other graphs are working fine in the Japanese and Chinese language.Steps to Reproduce 1. Make sure the [I18N: Japanese Translations] plugin is activated.2. Open the ServiceNow Performance Homepage.3. In the [Graph Set] dropdown, select "Slow Pattern".4. Observe and take note of what is shown in the displayed graphs.5. Change the language to "Japanese" via the gear icon on the upper right.6. After the page gets reloaded, in the [グラフセット] dropdown, select "Slow Pattern".Observe the displayed graphs shown in #7 (Japanese) are not the same as the graphs in #3 (English). Most, if not all, of the graphs have the "Error: Invalid series data." error message.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. button at the top right of this form. Switching temporarily back to "English" language shows the affected graphs. Related Problem: PRB1498897