Rollup and Link fields misalignmentSummaryHi, I have a misalignment on my project task PRJTASK0207932. Yesterday the value of our fields were true each other, but today we noticed that rollup field is false. We don't touch this record since one month. Is it possible to know what's happend ? Let me know.Related Links1. We have investigated how the value in the rollup field changes in our OOB instance.2. For example if a project has a project task then for the project the roll up value will be true and for the project task the roll up value will be false.3. In case we add the another child task to a project task then the roll up value for the project task will be true and for the child task will be false.4. So to summarise if a record has a child record then the parent record shows up roll up as true and the child record shows roll up value as false until the child record has another record under it.