Pivotal Cloud Foundry[PCF] discovery support for Service MappingIssue We may see that the PCF(Pivot Cloud Foundry) URL's are not working when we tried to add the URL(e.g. https://xxx.run.prod.xxx.pcf.xxx.com) in Service Map Top Down Discovery approach and it ends up with "Failed to recognize application. See the Discovery Pattern Log for more details" error.CauseAs per the PCF ServiceNow documentations as below, it says the top down discovery can follow below approach, Entry point:- For top-down discovery, use the Cloud Foundry IP address of the Cloud Foundry host and specify the MID Server. Doc Link:- https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-it-operations-management/page/product/service-mapping/concept/pivotal-cloud-foundry.html But if you can check PCF(Pivot Cloud Foundry) URL's are not working and when we tried to add URL(e.g. https://api.xxx.prod.xxx.pcf.xxx.com) in service it was end up with "Failed to recognize application. See the Discovery Pattern Log for more details" error.2021-05-18 06:11:49: Terminated identification (took 0 ms) [Credentialless Discovery Application Version Detection Identification Section]2021-05-18 06:11:49: Failed to recognize application. See the Discovery Pattern Log for more details. Even if you try to change the entry point differently with IP address for the FQDN of the URL or directly though the URL, every-time the result were same. But if you execute the Horizontal discovery the same works fine and PCF foundry device will be discovered without any issues. ResolutionThe PCF Top down Discovery is not supported OOTB as confirmed from ServiceNow development due to the following reasons, 1. There is no entry point of type "Cloud Foundry Application" while creating new Application Service.2. Also, the Cloud Foundry pattern is "Infrastructure Pattern" and is not available for Top down. Since it is an infra pattern it triggers horizontal discovery not top down. we have Verified CloudFoundry in debug mode there is no option to execute it in top down discovery.3. So you wouldn't be able to use it in Application Service to support Top down discovery in Service Map.Because of this, there is no automated way to trigger a PCF application top down. Customers can create enhancement request for the same with the URL-https://hi.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0547257 through Idea portal if they want.