Now Mobile: IOS - URL is redirecting to 404 if it has anchor tabDescriptionIOS - URL is redirecting to 404 if it has an anchor tabSteps to Reproduce 1. Create a Browser Screen named "Get Help" with the following URL : "/mesp?id=gethelphome#welcome" 2. Add this to the homepage Applet Launcher. 1. Log in to now mobile. 2. On the homepage click on the Get help applet. 3. The URL navigates to 404. The URL used is "/mesp?id=gethelphome#welcome" 4. If we take out #welcome, the URL is getting redirected correctly.This is working fine in android.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available.Related Problem: PRB1501549