gs.getProperty does not return boolean for a value field of sys_propertiesIssue - Condition - "gs.getProperty(Property name) " executing the script for both the True/False values: STEPS TO REPRODUCE: - Navigate to scripts - Background- Execute the following script:if(gs.getProperty('')){var check = gs.getProperty('')gs.log(check);}- It returns the value - "check" for both the conditions.Cause- The data type of field "Value" in the table - "sys_properties" is "string" and it remains the same even if we select the type as "true/false". - As the type of the field - "value" is a string, this behavior is expected.Resolution- After changing the condition to the following, the loop will behave as expected:==============if(gs.getProperty('')=='true'){var check = gs.getProperty('')gs.log(check);}else{gs.log('testing');}============