How to show Company Logo based on user profile in UI15/UI16 and in Service portal? SummaryCompanies can have requirement to display User's company logo on Service now Instance header along with their Parent company. Following are steps to customize this requirement on Ui16 and on Service Portal. Steps on UI15/UI16 Go to your company record and upload your company logo in "UI16 Banner Image" for UI16 Go to your company record and upload your company logo in "Banner Image" for UI15If you would like to attach more than one image, for ex, Company logo along with Parent company logo then you need to customize following OOB Logic to merge two images. OOB Business Rule - Script Include - idea is to create new image which has both logos. Steps on Service portal On OOB, Company Logo shows in Service portal from Theme. OOB - La Jolla theme uses Header | Footer "Stock Header". You need to customize "Header | Footer". 1st Change require in Body Html Template to display another logo for ex. companyLogo. 2nd Change require in Server script to fetch company's Banner Logo as per User record. Release Applicable in all releases