When inserting a Story record creating from Project Task, Planned Dates added which differ from parent Project Task will not remain (and auto update to parent values)Issue OOB, users may create Stories from Project Tasks by utilizing the Story Related List on a Project Task. When SUBMITTING that Story, if you have added the Planned Start/End Dates to the Story Form AND updated those values to be different than the Project Task's Planned Dates, you will not see those values stay as-is on the Story, nor will they update/rollup to the Parent Project TaskCauseNote: This issue and the below are only possible if the rm_story table is removed from the planned_task_recalculation_exclusions table. You may type planned_task_recalculation_exclusions.list into your Filter Navigator and click ENTER to view what tables will NOT automatically be affected by basic recalculation business rules. Stories submitted OOB have a Time Constraint default value of 'Start ASAP'. Any planned_task record submitted with Start ASAP will automatically force planned start values to be whatever its parent shows as planned start. The same applies to a new Project Task. The Planned Start Date will be read-only. Not until the Time Constraint field is updated to 'Start on specific date' can the Planned start date field value even be updated (in project task). To solve: So that your Planned start dates do not change/stick to the top_task planned start, you need to add the 'Time Constraint' field to the story form, and when submitting a Story, make sure that this field is set to 'Start on specific date'. This will give you the ability to make Planned start date whatever date you would like! ResolutionIf the parent task (Project task) has a Time Constraint of 'Start ASAP', you will need to:Add the 'Time Constraint' field to the Story formWhen you create a Story from a Project task (which has Time Constraint of 'Start ASAP'), set the Time Constraint of the Story to 'Start on specific date'Update Planned Start/End Dates accordingly (make sure that Planned Duration is correct / does not stay at 0)Submit