Cannot add TinyMCE toolbar buttons Codesample and Table of Contents with correct attributesIssue After adding "toc" and "codesample" options (Table of Contents and Code Sample buttons) to the list for the TinyMCE settings, the buttons are missing. All properties, dictionary entries, attributes and settings appear correct per instructions followed in the article, Customize TinyMCE Attributes, yet the buttons are still not visible. A 404 Not Found error appears in the console requesting UI Macro, "tinymce_setup," was found to be making this request which was not found in out of box instances. Additionally, other cases reflected that was also an incorrect request, typically activate plugins want to reflect plugin.min.js. The UI Macro, in particular, in this case was found at <instance name> ResolutionSetting the UI Macro Active attribute to false resolved the issue, the 'toc' and 'codesample' buttons displayed and the 404 error no longer appeared.