Does Google Cloud Translator Spoke support BatchTranslate API method for Dynamic TranslationsSummaryGoogle suggests to use BatchTranslate API method to perform translation for larger text contained KB documents. Batch Translate Documentation Google cloud translator spoke out of the box support translatetext API method and configurations in the flow designer are built based on this method Translaterext Method API Google cloud translator spoke Google Cloud Translator SpokeInstructionsIt is NOT possible to use batchtranslatetext google API along with Dynamic Translation. 1. The Dynamic translation (DT henceforth) APIs uses Flow designer subflows/actions to call 3rd party translator (in this case: google) to get the translation of a text. The DT framework currently works for synchronous APIs (API which directly return translations as with their response)2. The FD Action [Translate Text To Single Language] calls google "translateText API" [Ref 1] which is a synchronous API call.3. "batchtranslatetext" is a asynchronous API. This API reads a file to be translated from Google Cloud storage, translates it and saves as a new file in Google Cloud storage. Translations for these files may take time and does not returns the translations directly.4. "batchtranslatetext" API returns Operation object which has flag "done" . "done" tells if the translations are ready to be consumed. We need to keep calling this API until we receive "done" flag as true and then read the translated file from Google Cloud Storage to get translations. This type of response is currently not possible to consume within Dynamic Translation5. "batchtranslatetext" is different API and its inputs/outputs are other different than "translateText API". The current google flow designer action is configured for "translateText API".