Troubleshooting steps for Advanced Work Assignment (AWA)Summary Please check for below in your instance if AWA is not working. AWA has two steps. 1) work item created 2) work item not assigned. In most of the below cases, work item itself will NOT be created. Following are the troubleshooting steps, 1. Is available presence state inactive?2. Is available presence state active and have a channel ?3. Are there duplicate service channels?4. Does each channel have eligibility responder? are they active?5. Do worload responders exist? are they active?6. Does "System admin" user have admin role in it?7. Does "guest" user account exist? if so active?8. if pre-paris, does chat channel have OOB chat service channel uuid?9. if quebec or more, is UDM enabled? =2.0.010. if queues are setup to use schedule, please make sure schedule is in global scope11. Having same conditions in Workitem routing and Capacity Utilization12. Having OR conditions in service channel utilization condition or condition13. "Verify AWA query view name matches wtih service channels setup. AWA constructs dynamic view between awa_work_item table and table mentioned in service_channel setup. If customer deleted/created same service channel, sometime it messes this up view and does not query interactions."