Function retireCI in CMPReconciler script include only updates operational_status to Retired and does not update install_status fieldSummaryCMPReconciler script include is meant to handle CI reconciliation such as retiring/reviving CIs.When looking at this code, the following functions update state fields 'operation_status' and 'install_status':markCIAbsent(ci)markErroredCI(ci)reviveCI(ci)However, function 'retireCI(ci)' only updates the 'operational_status' field and does NOT update 'install_status'. This is an expected behavior as the logic to update the status of CI to Retired is handled by OOB Business Rule: 'Sync Ops Status for CMDB CI'. So the function retireCI only update the operational_status to avoid duplicate logic. In some instances, this OOB Business Rule might not exist (probably deleted in the past) and the CI status is not synced. If this is the case, you can import attached file sys_script_8548a2946183101091f9f50378a16be3.xml to your instance.