CSM Guest Walk-up Experience - csm_guest_walkup - Error while creating your appointment.Issue Guest users are not able to create an appointment.ReleaseAllCauseThe guest user record was not present on the instance or it was not the OOB record and had a different sys_ID hence the appointment booking was failing as a guest. The guest user's sys_user record is necessary for the appointment booking to go through as the script include 'AppointmentBookingImpl' checks for the guest user record OOB sys_id. sys_script_include.do?sys_id=7a49c8bed7833200811300285e610376 line 174: if(gs.getUserID() == '5136503cc611227c0183e96598c4f706') { this.appointmentUtil.setContextForGuest(targetRecord); } ResolutionThe fix for the issue is to import that OOB Guest user record from another instance. Alternatively, you can modify the script to reflect the sys_ID of the guest user record in your instance. Please bear in mind that this option would be customization and it can create problems when your system is upgraded as this record would skip the process.