How to troubleshoot Redirect issues in Service Portal when Single Sign-On (SSO) is configuredSummaryThis document provides the initial configuration that should be reviewed if a redirect issue is experimented in Service Portal when Single Sign-On is configured.InstructionsThe following two system properties should exist and be set to the correct value:Name: Value: new SPEntryPage().getLoginURL()Name: new SPEntryPage().getFirstPageURL()Check if the script include SPEntryPage was customized and if that is the script include that is being used based onthe system properties in step 1. If the script include SPEntryPage needs to be customized, please review the following KBs:How to configure redirection for Service PortalHow to Configure Service Portal as your instance login pageIMPORTANT. Ensure the $sp value is true in the sys_public table. For more information review: Single sign-on, logins, and URL redirects Review if the Login widget used in the specific portal, is the out-of-the-box or was customized. Please note, the out-of-the-box Login Widget uses the following two SSO system properties:- glide.authenticate.multisso.enabled - glide.authenticate.sso.redirect.idp Review the system properties mentioned in Redirect single sign-on (SSO) loginsRelated LinksFrequently Asked Questions on redirection with service portal