[Agent Workspace] Interaction records are getting created with Sys ID -1Issue A record created from an Interaction record in the Agent Workspace is associated with an Interaction record that does not exist (has sys_id of -1) Go to Agent Workspace.Create an Interaction (click+ tab).Fill in the mandatory fields and select UI Action 'Create Incident'.Fill in the mandatory fields and save the record.Navigate to interaction_related_record.listSearch for task= <incident number>The interaction field is not referencing to an actual Interaction record. Hover over the interaction link sys_id is pointed to -1 record.ReleaseAll versionsCauseThe issue is most likely caused by the main tab (main form) in the Workspace still loading while creating a new record from the main record. This situation does not occur frequently and is often caused by custom Business Rules defined on the [interaction_related_record] table.ResolutionIn order to prevent the issue from occurring, identify all the custom Business Rules on the [interaction_related_record] table and add the following code "current.interaction != -1;" to the Business Rule Condition field. If necessary to delete the record with "sys_id=-1", please contact Customer Support for assistance.