Using Lists or Reports with Condition filtersSummaryIt is highly recommended to use a condition filter when viewing a LIST or a REPORT for an out-of-the-box (OOB) table as we include OOB database indexes on these tables to help with the query performance. If no condition filter is used, then the SQL optimizer is not able to use a database index therefore the platform has to issue some expensive queries to count ALL the records and load the list. For small lists this is not so critical, but becomes much more relevant and important for large lists (approx > 1 million rows). InstructionsReview your lists or reports and consider adding in filter conditions so that can utilize an index for example, active = truecreated on this weekname starts with If the list/report is still slow even with a condition filter in use (ie you are querying a custom table), you probably need to add an index and in most cases, this will help. Create a table index