One of the causes of Microsoft Teams showing broken images for Output HTML control or image output: Microsoft Teams does not have access to imageIssue When Virtual Agent generates an image, it will put the image in sys_attachment table and simultaneously create a record in sys_cs_media table for the image. Platform provides a URL by which we can access this image. We use this URL to build the JSON payload which we send to Microsoft Teams. Generally this URL looks like: <Customer Instance URL>/api/now/v1/cs/media/<MediaId> When Microsoft Teams renders the payload, ideally it should render the image using the URL in payload. But some of our customers are restricting the access within the company network only due to which Microsoft Teams is not able to access the image. For any image which Microsoft Teams is not able to access, they will show a broken image. CauseWhen we see a broken image in Microsoft Teams: Check if the image is getting generated in sys_attachment table or not.If it is there, then they can generate the URL using the media ID from above example and try to access the image URL from a network which is not in ServiceNow or customer's network to check if the image is publicly accessible or not. The best way to check this is by accessing the URL from Mobile data or personal home network without connecting to company's VPN. We are doing this to check if the image URL is publicly accessible or not. If the image is not accessible, it would imply that Microsoft Teams also would not be able to access it and that is why it will show a broken image. ResolutionServiceNow provides a way to inclusion list the IPs which can access the instance. We can inclusion list only Microsoft Teams IPs so that Microsoft Teams will be able to access the image URL and customer can still maintain the security. Below are the documentation for inclusion listing and Microsoft Teams IPs: How to inclusion list: IP Address Access ControlWhat to inclusion list: