MID server upgrade on Japanese Windows server fails leaving it DOWN with: Wrapper.stop() failed to stop the MID Server. Trying to use taskkill command to kill the processDescriptionMID Server upgrade fails from Paris, on a Japanese Windows server. From dist_upgrade.log, the MID Server wrapper has stopped, but Upgrade application could not detect it.| INFO | Executing command `"C:\MID Server\<MID Server name>\agent\bin\mid.bat" status`. Working dir: `C:\MID Server\<MID Server name>\agent`. Current user: `<service user>`.| INFO | Execution result: ExitCode=0Output=wrapperm | The ServiceNow MID Server_<MID Server name> Service is installed.wrapperm | Start Type: Automaticwrapperm | Interactive: Nowrapperm | Running: No続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .ErrorMsg=null| INFO | Wrapper.stop() failed to stop the MID Server. Trying to use taskkill command to kill the process.Steps to Reproduce Installed MID Server (Paris Patch 7a) on Windows Server 2019 which has Japanse language setting for NON-UNICODE programs(control panel ->Region Administrative tab)Set MID sever to connect to Quebec patch 3 instanceMID server start upgradecheck dist_upgrade.log 05/17/21 13:44:40 (147) | INFO | ***********UPGRADE MAIN LOGIN START***********05/17/21 13:44:40 (147) | INFO | Command-line arguments: --mode=dist-upgrade --dist-file=C:\Windows\Temp\1621226452867-0\mid-upgrade.quebec-12-09-2020__patch3-04-14-2021_04-29-2021_2308.universal.universal.zip --current-dir=C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent05/17/21 13:44:40 (162) | INFO | MID Server upgrade v2.0 starting...05/17/21 13:44:40 (162) | INFO | Upgrading MID `C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent` with contents from `C:\Windows\Temp\1621226452867-0\agent`.05/17/21 13:44:40 (162) | INFO | Executing command `"C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent\bin\mid.bat" status`. Working dir: `C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent`. Current user: `EC2AMAZ-NHAJGST$`.05/17/21 13:44:40 (455) | INFO | Execution result: ExitCode=0Output=wrapperm | The ServiceNow MID Server_qu2 Service is installed.wrapperm | Start Type: Automaticwrapperm | Interactive: Nowrapperm | Running: Yes続行するには何かキーを押してください . -----------------------------ErrorMsg=null05/17/21 13:54:39 (134) | INFO | Executing command `"C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent\bin\mid.bat" status`. Working dir: `C:\servicenow\ServiceNow MID Server aws\mid.paris-06-24-2020__patch7a-03-29-2021_04-14-2021_1027.windows.x86-64\agent`. Current user: `EC2AMAZ-NHAJGST$`.05/17/21 13:54:39 (376) | INFO | Execution result: ExitCode=0Output=wrapperm | The ServiceNow MID Server_qu2 Service is installed.wrapperm | Start Type: Automaticwrapperm | Interactive: Nowrapperm | Running: No続行するには何かキーを押してください . . . ErrorMsg=null05/17/21 13:54:41 (458) | INFO | Wrapper.stop() failed to stop the MID Server. Trying to use taskkill command to kill the process.05/17/21 13:54:44 (186) | SEVERE | com.snc.dist.mid_upgrade.UpgradeException: Unable to run taskkill command to kill the MID Server process: java.lang.NullPointerException05/17/21 13:54:44 (202) | INFO | ***********UPGRADE MAIN LOGIN END***********05/17/21 13:54:44 (202) | INFO | Flushing logs05/17/21 13:54:50 (273) | INFO | WrapperListener.stop()WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. A temporary workaround is to switch Language setting on Windows from Japanese to English.Related Problem: PRB1498314