Time in Date/Time field in Agent app saves as midnight (12:00:00 AM) when system time format is set to hh:mm:ss a (12 hour AM/PM)DescriptionTime in Date/Time field in Agent app saves as midnight (12:00:00 AM) when system time format is set to hh:mm:ss a (12 hour AM/PM).Steps to Reproduce 1- Install the ITSM mobile plugin.2- In platform, go to "System Properties" --> "Basic Configurations UI16", change time format to hh:mm:ss a (12 hour AM/PM).3- In function/action "Edit Incident", add a UI parameter "Expected Start":Input source: User inputDefault value type: Source fieldButton parent table: incidentSource field: expected_start4- In Writeback action item "Edit Incident", add Item parameter "Expected Start", type: DateTime.5- Create mapping between the above UI paramter and Item parameter.6- Use Agent App, login as "beth.anglin".7- Click "Active Incidents", open one of the active incident, and click top menu button "Edit".8- Fill in "Expected Start" field, e.g. select May 14, 2021 2PM, click submit.The "Expected Start" field of this incident record is updated to May 14, 2021 12:00 AM instead of current time 2:00PM.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround and is currently under review. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1498249