'Order by' instance option is not working as expectedIssue Categories are not being listed by selected 'Order by' option on "Knowledge Field Facet".CauseExpected behavior due to selected instance optionsResolutionOur product team has reviewed and updated with the following: In /kb Portal, we are currently rendering category facets in two ways - 1) Flat Hierarchy - When we are showing flat hierarchy for category Facet, then we are respecting the user defined sorting order because it's feasible to achieve as there are no hierarchical relationship exists between categories. 2) Hierarchal - However, when we enable hierarchical category, we are currently not respecting the user defined sorting order. Currently, functionality is working as per design. Related Links Configure filter facet widget instance options https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow-platform/page/product/knowledge-management/task/config-search-results-filter-facets.html