"Get Process" pattern operation has result truncated for Solaris targetDescriptionThe Get Process pattern operation is running below for Solaris target:ps -eo user,pid,ppid,comm,argsHowever there is width limitation for "args", and if it's truncated if too long.As a result this has caused some pattern to failE.g.For pattern: SAP CI Application, the process we want is:/usr/sap/demo/DVEBMGS999/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/demo/SYS/profile/demo_DVEBMGS999_aklsapdemocithis gets truncated to:/usr/sap/demo/DVEBMGS999/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/demo/SYS/profile/demo_DVEBMGS9Steps to Reproduce 1> Run SAP Service Mapping2> Make sure pattern "SAP CI Application" is launched3> It may fail if command is too long. Failure is caused by step "2. keep entries with pf=", which filters processes based on:$sap_process[].commandLine contains $entry_point.sid + "_" + $entry_point.instanceHowever since the command is truncated, it doesn't have complete string to match $entry_point.instance.eventually the pattern fails at step: verify process is not emptyWorkaroundThere is no known workaround for this issue. If you are able to upgrade, review the "Intended Fix Version" section below below to determine the versions that have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1488338