Ordering a Catalog Item with an Attachment does not trigger Update business rules on sys_attachmentIssue When I add an attachment to a catalog item, a sys_attachment record is created and both the insert and update events trigger. The table name value will contain sc_cart_item and when submitted, the sys_attachment records Table name value will get updated to sc_req_item and the Table sys ID value will be the sys_id of the newly created request item but the business rule will not get triggered with the update to the sys_attachment record.ResolutionThis issue was because the System Property "glide.sc.enable_order_now" was set to false when it should be set to true. When set to false you use a legacy way of operating the catalog, which we do not recommend. Once I set the value of the property to 'true', things work fine. To do so, follow the steps below: 1. Navigate to "sys_properties.LIST" 2. Search for "glide.sc.enable_order_now" and go to the record 3. Change the Value field to "true" 4. Save the form