Linux Server Discovery pattern records CentOS Linux OS as Red Hat OSDescriptionIn step 6. Linux Distribution Steps of the Linux Server Pattern: A server running CentOS is being marked as Red Hat Linux instead. This is because the EVAL Script that can be found within Step 6.2 will process Red Hat first, and CentOS is a flavor of Red Hat Linux. It has not been verified as of yet, however you may also happen to find that this is also the case with Fedora, as Fedora is below Red Hat in the EVAL Script as well. Verified against 1.0.61 PatternsSteps to Reproduce [1] - Navigate to Discovery Schedules [2] - Run a quick discovery, or a discovery schedule against a CentOS Linux Server [3] - Check the CI After Discovery has completed and see the populated OS Version.WorkaroundAs for a workaround, you will need to apply an alteration to the Linux Server pattern as following: In step 6.2 of the Linux Server pattern, modify the following EVAL Script: ------------------------------- var rtrn = "";var rel = ${release_output};var relStr = rel.toString();var lowercaseOutput = relStr.toLowerCase();if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('oracle linux server') != -1){rtrn = "Oracle Linux 4/5/6 (64-bit)";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('red hat') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Red Hat";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('fedora') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Fedora";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('suse') != -1){rtrn = "Linux SuSE";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('centos') != -1){rtrn = "Linux CentOS";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('ubuntu') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Ubuntu";}else{rtrn = "GNU/Linux";} ------------------------------------ AND SWAP The CentOS/Fedora IF Conditions WITH Red Hat: var rtrn = "";var rel = ${release_output};var relStr = rel.toString();var lowercaseOutput = relStr.toLowerCase();if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('oracle linux server') != -1){rtrn = "Oracle Linux 4/5/6 (64-bit)";} else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('centos') != -1){rtrn = "Linux CentOS";} else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('fedora') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Fedora";} else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('red hat') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Red Hat";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('suse') != -1){rtrn = "Linux SuSE";}else if (lowercaseOutput.indexOf('ubuntu') != -1){rtrn = "Linux Ubuntu";}else{rtrn = "GNU/Linux";} Related Problem: PRB1402850