Agent Workspace - description type field is locked and no scroll bar to read the complete textDescriptionThe issue is the description field is abnormally small and the complete text is not visible.Steps to Reproduce 1. Make sure there is big text in the description field in 4-5 incidents2. Open all such incidents in Agent wporkspace.3. If the issue doesn't get reproduced, refresh the browser tab where all such incidents are open.4. Explicitly click on each incident open in Agent workspace.5. Notice any of the incidents or most of the incidents will have the issue that the description field is showing only 2 lines of text and it is locked, with no scroll bar to read/see the complete text.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1477083