Microsoft Teams Communications spoke gives Error 403 : Forbidden username/password comboIssue After setting up Microsoft Teams Communications, when using flow designer to create an MS Teams meeting, the email that is supposed to be sent as part of the meeting invitation is supposed to work, but the flow fails. An error 403: Forbidden username/password combo is displayed.CauseIn Azure portal for the App under Delegated permissions "offline_access" permission is selectedResolution"Offline_access" permission set in Azure Portal for the app that provides the refresh token. Refresh tokens are used to obtain new access tokens after access tokens expire; these new access tokens do not include application rights. The OnlineMeeting API returns a 403 - Forbidden username/password combo error because it needs application authorization. The "offline_access" permission should be removed in order to solve the issue. Check the records in "oauth_credential" table which store the Access Token and Refresh TokenIf Refresh Token is available, issue will be experienced when starting the meeting.Check the app permissions in azure portal and make sure the "offline_access" permission under Delegated permissions is not selected.Check the related Application registry entry. Under "Oauth Entity Scopes" Tab, there should only be ".default" oauth scope. Make sure "offline_access" is not created here.In registry, remove the refresh token and try to start the meeting. only access token should be there and no refresh token.