Users are unable to see the New / Edit buttons in the Incidents Related List on the Problem formSummaryUsers are unable to attach or create an additional Incident via the Related List on a Problem, even if they have the problem_admin, problem_manager, problem_coordinator, or the itil role as per the documentation: Note: The Major Incident Management plugin is installed in the instance.Related LinksOnce a Problem has been associated with a Major Incident, additional Incidents can only be added by a user with the major_incident_manager role. The UI Action "New" has the condition: current.canCreate() && !RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButtonWithoutChecks() && RP.isRelatedList() && !RP.isManyToMany() && gs.hasRole('itil,sn_incident_write')The UI Action "Add" has the condition: RP.isRelatedList() && current.canCreate() && new BulkAddIncidents().canShowAddButton(parent, current) && gs.hasRole('itil,sn_incident_write') The ACL for the Create operation on the Incident table has this condition: answer = true; if(pm.isActive('com.snc.incident.mim') && current.major_incident_state == 'accepted'){ if(gs.hasRole('major_incident_manager')) answer = true; else answer = false; } So if the user does not have the 'major_incident_manager' role, the ACL will return "false" and as a result, the Add and New UI Action buttons will not appear on the Incidents Related List on the Problem form.