Rapid7 Comprehensive Vulnerable Item Integration – API is failingIssue Rapid7 Comprehensive Vulnerable Item Integration – API is in substate failed. Few of the Vulnerability Integration process is failing with errors on Processing note and Note. Processing note: Import job was canceled, reached the maximum number of retries, forcing an errorNotes: Some import queue entries are in errorCauseThe issue is happening due to the reason that the processing of the payload took a longer time than the defined timeout which leads to marking at as complete with error notes.By default, the timeout for processing is 60 mins. This is the setting '_MAX_PROC_TIME_S' in script include 'VulnerabilityDSAttachmentManager'. ResolutionFor resolving this we recommend decreasing the value of setting 'Asset page size limit' to a lower value. Hence, each call would return the detections for a smaller set of assets, and hence the payload would be processed within the expected time. - You can set this value to 25 which would create more processes but lesser data would be fetched in each rest call- For getting some data if missed you may trigger this integration again after updating this configuration value