How to configure and troubleshoot Custom URLDescriptionCUSTOM URLYou can configure one or multiple custom URLs to your instance and configure your custom URL to Service Portal mapping.NOTE: Custom URLs are not available for (on-premises) customers or (developer instances). Also, the URL must be public facing. NOTE: When it is the root domain you cannot setup the CNAME. The number one rule is that we do not allow root domain for Custom URL. The other two options that can be used. 1) Setup a reverse proxy “Reverse proxies and URL redirections” 2) Create a sub domain such as The subdomain will work as another option.Release or EnvironmentLondon and aboveInstructionsSTEP 1: OBTAIN DOMAINBefore you can associate a custom URL, you must own (or purchase) a URL through a domain provider. There are also specific configurations necessary before you can create and associate a custom URL on your instance.• Set the CNAME with the provider - The CNAME record must be set as the ServiceNow instance URL. How to verify the CNAME: Verify Custom URL DNS record association, # dig -t CNAME <Custom_URL_FQDN> +noall +answer Verify that the Custom URL is still associated to correct instance, a correct entry should be {Custom_URL_FQDN}. {number} IN CNAME {your_servicenow_instance_URL}If it does not exist or is inconsistent, then work towards fixing the DNS entryTo Fix: 1. Validate CNAME from NOW platform a.Goto CustomURLs >> CustomURL module b.Open the custom url record c.Access Form Context Menu>>Click Validate CNAME ui action d.Now platform will validate and update results if custom url is pointed to instance url or not. 2. Run SNC.InstanceURLUtil.isValidCustomDNSDomain(“custom url”) from scripts background. Script: gs.print(SNC.InstanceURLUtil.isValidCustomDNSDomain(“”)); Output: Will show the information available for this custom url3. Run dig command from Terminal: a. dig <domain name> b. CNAME with show where it is pointed to. If it is not the instance url it is not working. This shows domain name is pointing to, this is incorrect. It should be pointing to your <instancename> If it does not look like above, check your system properties specific to instance_domain_suffix =• Determine your dedicated VIP status - Your ServiceNow instance must be on a dedicated VIP.How to determine dedicated VIP: go to search for customer account under customer list. This will show the vip name and the IP address. If the customer dedicated vip is not showing or setup contact the SRE team to setup. STEP 2: ACTIVATE PLUGIN1. Login as an admin2. Navigate to System Definition > Plugins.3. Find and click the Custom URL plugin. Note: Do not select the Custom URL - Internal plugin, which is an internal component for scripted custom URL APIs.4. On the Custom URL record, click the Activate/Repair related link.5. In the Plugin Activation window, click Activate IMPORTANT: The below step is only for GCC Customer, please verify if you are a GCC customer: Mobile GovCommunityCloud (GCC) ComplianceSTEP 3: ACTIVATE PROPERTY (These have to be set to use Custom URL in GCC)1. Login as an admin2. In the left navigator bar, type sys_properties.list3. For GCC set these sys_properties: Name= glide.customurl.datacenter.instance.url, value=, value= glide.register_server_url, value=, value=servicenowservices.comName=glide.customurl.enabled, value=true STEP 4: SET CUSTOM URLAdd a custom URL to your instance configuration to use instead of your ServiceNow-designated URL: 1. Login as an admin2. Navigate to Custom URL > Customer URLs.3. Click New4. Fill in the appropriate fields:Domain Name - Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the custom URL.Note: (For example), is the FQDN of the URL.Is Instance URL - Check box to enable this custom URL for all outbound URLs. Only one active custom URL can be the instance URL.To enable this setting for a custom URL, click Set as Instance URL - on the URL record. Any previous custom URLs are then removed.Status - Status of the custom URL record. If the status is Active, the custom URL is provisioned and ready to use.Service Portal - Choose the service portal to redirect users when they access your instance using the custom URL.5. Click Submit STEP 5: CHECK FOR ERRORSA custom URL should activate within six hours. Polling for custom URL job completion occurs every 30 minutes.How to verify the Custom URL configuration: echo | openssl s_client -servername <custom URL> -connect <custom URL>: 443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates -subject -issuer should return output “Let’s Encrypt” it confirms the URL is active. If your custom URL doesn’t work, refer to the ServiceNow documentation for Error Fixes Related information:KB0725735: How to setup SSO for Custom URL.KB0781923: Would custom URLs cause problems for Mid ServersKB0855074: Common doubts when creating Custom URLKB0783654: Google maps not functioning with Custom URL