"Tuxedo pattern" is creating the Tuxedo CI when there is no Tuxedo application installed on the hostDescription"Tuxedo pattern" is creating the Tuxedo CI when there is no Tuxedo application installed on the hostSteps to Reproduce WorkaroundThis is an intermittent issue.This is because of the pattern step that's detecting that the process is using "ps -ef | grep ..." command, but the result from that command is not filtering out the "grep" process hence the pattern is considering that "grep" process to be Tuxedo process. To fix this change the command in the "get csr process" step from under the "Tuxedo csr and stats_log ID section" of the "Tuxedo" pattern from "ps -ef | grep crs | grep -v $$ | grep '\-l' | tail -1" to "ps -ef | grep crs | grep -v $$ | grep '\-l' | tail -1 | grep -vE grep"Related Problem: PRB1255901