"Bulk" SLA Repair from list did not follow Repair path of Workflow activityIssue Customer created a custom workflow with workflow activities for notifications to be sent at 60%, 80% and 100% Customer reported that when they repaired a large number of SLAs from list, on some records the SLA repair followed the normal path instead of the repair pathCauseNo issue, this is expected. Notifications had not yet been sent for some of the workflow activities at the time of the repairResolutionThe workflow has a repair path and input configured. So no issues here. The repair logs and workflow for the customers example INC0480301 which was repaired using UI action on form INC0480301 Before repair Business elapsed time 61.12% After repair 61.17% 60% notification would have already been sent before repair Workflow shows repair path followed at 60% 80% and 100% have not yet been reached, expect normal path to be followed when 80 and 100 is reached Checked repair logs for the other examples provided where customr did a bulk repair SLA Repair Log Entry Created 13-04-2021 09:51:18 https://adnoctesttemp1.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sla_repair_log.do?sys_id=ec4a76ecdb27a850a9ae055cd39619d5 INC0476405 Before repair values In progress Business elapsed percentage - 58.84% No notifications were sent out before the repair yet as 60% hadn't been reached After repair values Business elapsed percentage 59.52 No notifications had been sent yet So SLA followed normal path at 60, 80 and 100 is expected because no notifications would have been sent at the time of the repair INC0480238 Before repair values Business elapsed time - 39.12% After repair Business elapsed time - 41.58% SLA followed normal path at 60, 80 and 100 is expected as above INC0477722 Before repair values Business elapsed percentage - 81.11% After repair values Business elapsed percentage - 82.03% Notifications would have been sent at 60% and 80% before the repair Workflow follows repair path at 60% and 80%. At 100% the normal path is followed This is expected Checked email logs for the time of the repair on 13-04-2021 and no emails were sent for this record for 60% and 80% On 14:04:2021 email was sent for 100% Analysis of an example taken from the same repair logs - INC0471763 Workflow path at 60% and 80% followed repair path, activity at 100% followed normal path Shows the values of the SLA before repair as: Business elapsed percentage - 95.56 The workflow in this example followed repair path for 60% and 80% and normal path for 100%. Conclusion: The bulk repair customer did has worked as expected. Where notifications were not yet sent, the workflow followed the normal path but where notifications were already sent the workflow followed the repair path.Related LinksCheck also these KB's to ensure configuration is correct. i.e repair path and input mode is configured. In this case the configuration was correct https://support.servicenow.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0745028 https://support.servicenow.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0869747