The knowledge article rating is inconsistent on Service portal home page and Article view pageDescriptionThe Knowledge article rating is not rounding up properly and hence showing incorrect stars under "Top rated articles" (KB Top rated widget) on the Portal Home page.For example if the numeric rating of the article is 4.33On the portal home page under "Top rated articles", it shows 5 stars.When the article is opened, it shows 4 stars.Even the Platform show 4 Stars for the article.1. When the numeric rating of the article is above 4 and below 4.5, the 4 stars are shown for the article in the platform and when the article is opened in the Service Portal. 2. When the numeric rating of the article is above 4 and below 5.0, it shows 5 stars in the portal under "Top rated articles" Steps to Reproduce Please refer to the screenshots above.1. Log in to the instance2. Go to the Service Portal (/sp)3. Under "Top rated articles" on the homepage, click and open any article.4. Rate the article multiple times so that the article rating is something like 3.3 or 3.4 or 4.3 or 4.45. Once the article rating - score is set, observe the article stars on the Home page and on the article view page.Expected behavior: The stars (count) should be the same on the home page and on the article view page.Actual behavior: The stars (count) on the Home page is more than the star count on the article view page.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. Workaround:1. Make a clone of the OOTB widget: KB Top Rated/ In the Server Script of the cloned widget change the following lines (From Line 48)From:var a = {};$sp.getRecordValues(a, z, 'short_description,sys_view_count,sys_id,published,rating');a.published_display = z.getDisplayValue("published");data.articles.push(a);To:var a = {};$sp.getRecordValues(a, z, 'short_description,sys_view_count,sys_id,published,rating');a.published_display = z.getDisplayValue("published");a.rating = Math.round(a.rating);a.ratingAriaLabel = gs.getMessage('Article, {0}, {1} star rating', [z.short_description, z.rating]);data.articles.push(a);3. Use the Cloned widget on the page for the changes to take affect.Related Problem: PRB1488433