Q&A regarding KCS Program Metrics DashboardIntroduction This KB intends to respond the questions raised by users from other companies different than ServiceNow, about the Knowledge Centered Service (KCS) Program Metrics dashboard. Questions and Answers for KCS Program Metrics Dashboard 1. How to connect PowerBI to ServiceNow?2. PA Analytics queries for PowerBI?3. Can PA reporting reduce incident resolution time?4. What Can Performance Analytics do?5. Does new releases affect dashboards setup approach?6. Reusing demo dashboard for different tables and metrics?7. How to add content to sections on dashboards?8. How to build Indicators in KCS Metrics Dashboard?9. Metrics value in a KM Program?10. How to Display metric Average Score calculations against peers scores?11. How to Set Roll up Data to Compare Team's Metrics Scores?12. What is the difference between the View count and the Use count? 1. How to connect PowerBI to ServiceNow? Q. Regarding the PA dashboards (I assume PA uses PowerBI, how did you connect PowerBI to Service Now back in tables). PA doesn't use PowerBI. ServiceNow acquired Mirror42 a few years ago. Originally, PA was hosted externally on AWS cloud, which went against our ethos of a single platform. The dev team took the Mirror42 PA-app off market for 12 months, broke it down, and completely rebuilt on the ServiceNow platform. 2. PA Analytics queries for PowerBI? Q. I have PowerBI reports that I am building for my workgroups, currently I take queries out of Service Now each month and create PowerBI reports. Can someone like me work with the PA Dashboard group to automate my reports? A. Yes, you can use those queries to build PA dashboards. Based on those queries, you can create Reports and Indicator Sources. Reports will provide you real time data, and the Indicators from PA will provide trends. You can set up jobs to collect the PA indicators, so you will have your reports being updated at the frequency you need. We can also set up workflows that will produce automatic emails with your reports. There are many features in PA that would allow you to focus on the parts of your data that are of interest to you. 3. Can PA reporting reduce incident resolution time? Q. Reporting Knowledge use and show how it helped to reduce incident resolution time. A. PA dashboards allows you to focus on issues immediately. Therefore, we can have a tight control on the Time to Resolution of incidents. 4. What Can Performance Analytics do? Q. What Can We Do with Performance Analytics Out of Box? A. Performance Analytics (PA) has a lot of what comes out of version metrics, special KB-specific reports, and filters, etc. Attach health, creation, etc. is obviously KCS, and highly desired. We attempt to manually create what we can from the SN tables we have access to, but I’m sure you know THAT is very limiting without PA. 5. Does new releases affect dashboards setup approach? Q. Does instance release version updates affect the setup approach to dashboards? A. No. There might be new features added, but if you have a dashboard already it should work in a new release. 6. Reusing demo dashboard for different tables and metrics? Q. I have done my best to set up a duplicate of the dashboard, but I had to use different tables & metrics and I would like to validate if this were the correct approach or if there is a way for me to create the same metrics if necessary. As the tables they used in the demo seem to be custom tables. A. The basic set up of the data behind the dashboard consists of Indicator Sources, with their Indicators and Breakdowns. You should be able to get the same set up, with some variances according to the particulars or your tables. But once you have your Indicators in place, the PA widgets would work the same way. You might not be able to replicate exactly the Indicator Sources, as your tables may vary from our tables. But the point is for you to identify what are your records of interest and build on top of that your Indicator Source. 7. How to add content to sections on dashboards? Q. Also there was the use of adding knowledge KBs and text to the top of dashboards something I'm not sure if it's enabled or the approach to adding that data on to the dashboard. So, I would like to walk through the steps they took to get that text added. A. That text is done using Content Blocks. The one we use is the New Static HTML. 8. How to build Indicators in KCS Metrics Dashboard? Q. How to build the reports in PA described in KB0868269 Building your own KCS Program Metrics Dashboard Set up indicator source in Performance Analytics (More on Building your own KCS Program Metrics Dashboard KB0868269 ) This is the process to build New Dashboard Report Indicators. The Following example sets up an Indicator Source for the amount of Technical Support Engineers (TSE) publishing articles on a Monthly basis.KB: # of TSE's Publishing Articles (Monthly) Build the Indicator Source: This is the table and records of interest for you. In this case, you are interested in the records of the table kb_knowledge. An Indicator Source needs to have a temporal component, because the Scheduled Data Collection needs to understand what time frame will be collected when it runs. So in this case we are interested in collecting records from kb_knowledge that are published this month. You can add more filters to the Indicator Source to scope out better your records of interest. Now that you have your records of interest, you want to do calculations on them. You might want to count them, take the average for some field, find the minimum, or maximum. For that you create an Indicator. In our example, we want to know how many TSEs are publishing articles. From the Indicator Source, I want to count the field Author, and because an Author can publish multiple articles I want to count distinct: Breakdown Indicator Source 3. Next you want to set up how to breakdown your Indicator Source. You might want to see your records of interest broken down by Assignment Group, or State, or Priority, etc. In our example, we have 4 breakdowns associated to our Indicator. Now I can see the results of the Indicator broken down in different ways. If I want to see the number of TSEs publishing articles by Ownership Group, I have that breakdown. 4. Finally, you need to collect the scores for the indicator. You set up a Scheduled Data Collection that runs at a determined frequency. In our case, we have a Scheduled Data Collection, running daily, calculating the score. In our example, we have this job, collecting scores for yesterday (remember the time component in the Indicator Source?), running daily at 1:05 in the morning. Every day at that time, the job will collect the Indicator Source, and calculate the Indicators, producing scores that you will use to produce the trend. 5. View the added Widget on the Dashboard ie. KB: # of TSE's Publishing Articles (Monthly) 9. Metrics value in a KM Program? Q. Metrics that show adherence and value in a KM Program. A. TSEs Publishing Articles, TSEs Attaching Monthly, Closed Cases With KB Attached, Deflections, Content Published, Content Retired. 10. How to Display metric Average Score calculations against peers scores? Q. We have been looking at this and can find the tables and fields required to pull the data from but we struggle with displaying this all together and getting the calculations right to show averages against peers etc especially when the averages are from dynamic scores. Any suggestions around this would be great to see as we have been unable to get it going within SNOW itself. A. For real time data you need to use Reports. Most of the widgets in the KCS Metrics dashboard are Performance Analytics, and as I explained in 7) it requires collection of the score, so it won't give you real time. In the platform, you can aggregate by Sum, Average, Min, Max, Count and Count Distinct. If you want to create comparisons there are many ways to that. Reports and Performance Analytics offers you OOB widgets that you can use to set up comparisons. The specifics details depend on your particular case. As example, in the KCS dashboard, we have a chart, built with Reports (real time) that features top articles. You could set up similar chart for the Average, and show instead the top Articles by Average of some field. PA offers similar OOB widgets, but in addition, PA allows you to create Formula Indicators and scripts that would allow you to create more complex calculations. 11. How to Set Roll up Data to Compare Team's Metrics Scores? Q. We are also looking to make it automated so a person can select themselves or their team and see the scores for themselves and compare those to their peers working similar tasks. It would also good to be able to compare a team as a whole against another team. A. In the KCS metrics dashboard we have the Filter on top by Director Rollup, which we use to change the dashboard to show only records of Authors reporting directly or indirectly to that Director. We could set up similar filter by Assigned To, so somebody can change the whole dashboard to show only their results. 12. What is the difference between the View count and the Use count? Q. What is the difference between the View count and the Use count? A. The use count denotes when an article was attached to an incident or case. The view count denotes that the record was viewed.